Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday, August 21

Did the Du State Du today. It's a 2mi run, 14ish mile bike ride, and another 2 mile run. I took first in my age division (25-29) with a time of 1:17:06. Came home, mowed the lawn, felt great, then collapsed into a 1 hour nap. My body basically said we're doing this, NOW.

Fixed the rear cable on my mountain bike. It was looking pretty frayed to the point I figured I probably should replace it for safety concerns. Getting better at some of the bike repairs, but still had some problems with getting the brake "pull" right.

Going to try some butternut squash bisque tonight (recipe here). We planted some squash in the garden this year. It's kind of taken over everything, especially after my month in Omaha on flood duty. I ate some sauted, and realized neither Kate nor I really care for it that way. Tried to remember why we planted it in the first place, and I think it was right after we'd had some really good squash bisque at Front Street Brewery. So, we'll see how this goes.

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